Feliz Día de la Independencia (Happy 4th of July) from Mexico,
We have successfully completed another week full of activities and classes. In choir we are signing along to the rhythms of Juanes and Diego Torres. In theater we are practicing well known plays as well as putting together a special program of sports, cooking, and dance, all in preparation for our end of the program farewell to the host families. Aside from these activities half of the group goes to Tangamanga park to play soccer, basketball, and tennis while the other half enjoy private dance lessons at a professional school. Additionally, we are know offering professional salsa lessons on Thursday evenings and we will start a cooking class next week. One of our students has also begun to design our official SLP 2010 shirt.
Today, Friday, we canceled our trip to the park given we are under a heavy rain cloud--a by product of the hurricane off the Gulf. Instead, we celebrated the 4th of July by giving students a traditional Mexican experience: having a swing at a piñata! They had a blast and were rewarded with watermelon and chili flavored candy once they finally broke the piñata open. After, the group went to a near by culture museum and then to a restaurant to eat together.
This weekend, on the 4th, we have Dylan's birthday to celebrate and his host family has offered their house for an afternoon party which we are looking forward to.
The next week will be full once again, as well as filled with high expectations for our upcoming weekend excursion to the capital city of the country.
For now, all is well in SLP and again a very happy 4th of July to all!
Team SLP
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